Index your content faster
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Index your content faster

When it comes to publishing content on the internet, one of the biggest challenges is getting it indexed by search engines like Google. The process of indexing involves Google discovering, crawling, and storing the content in its database, which then makes it available to users through search results. In this article, we will look at some ways you can get your content indexed faster by Google

Published on 01/21/2024Sébastien Vassaux

In order to get reboom content indexed faster and reap the benefits as soon as possible, follow those guidelines.

When it comes to publishing content on the internet, one of the biggest challenges is getting it indexed by search engines like Google. The process of indexing involves Google discovering, crawling, and storing the content in its database, which then makes it available to users through search results. In this article, we will look at some ways you can get your content indexed faster by Google.

Submit reboom sitemap to the search console

The first step to getting your content indexed faster is to submit your sitemap to the Google Search Console. The Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor and optimize their website's performance in Google search results. By submitting your sitemap to the Search Console, you are telling Google which pages to crawl and index, making it easier for them to discover and index your content.

In order for reboom content to be discoverable, you need to link some parts of your current website to the main reboom blog home page. That is a prerequisite to let Google understand the relationship between the newly generated content and your own website.

Create a search console account

To submit your sitemap to the Search Console, you need to have a Search Console account. If you don't have one already, you can create one by going to the Google Search Console website and following the steps to verify ownership of your website.

Feed your sitemap

Once you have created your Search Console account, you can submit your sitemap by going to the Sitemaps section and entering the URL of your sitemap. Google will then crawl your sitemap and use the information to discover and index your content faster.

Ask for indexation

You can request indexation through the Google Search Console. To request indexation, simply go to the URL inspection tool in the Search Console and enter the URL of the sitemap reboom provides. Google will then crawl the pages and index it faster than it would otherwise.

Use the Google Indexing API to index 200 pages every day

Another way to get your content indexed faster is to use the Google Indexing API. The API allows you to submit URLs directly to Google for indexing, which can help speed up the process significantly. Reboom integrates natively with Google Indexing API to remove the burden of doing it yourself!

Add your property to the Google Search Console

Check Google Help to add your reboom subdomain to the Google Search Console.

Authorize reboom to index your website

On reboom, check your Domain parameters.

Locate the email of the service account used to communicate with Google indexing API.

Check Google Help to add this email as an owner of your GSC property.

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