
Test for free! No credit card required!

Pay as you go

Free to choose

First 50 pages
once per page


Pages 51 to 500
once per page


Above 501
once per page


Monthly plans

Combine hosting and price for value

Pay as you go


15 articles per month, $3/article


40 articles per month, $2.5/article


100 articles per month, $2/article


No bullshit agency

Set up an internal growth machine

Cover the basics
2h-training + actionnable content


Scrape Linkedin at scale
3h-training + actionnable content


Cold calling done right
5h-training + actionnable content


Set up an internal growth machine
3-month coaching, 1h/week
+ app skeleton

Frequently asked questions


What is the hosting about?

At Reboom, we have aimed to remove the pain of publishing and maintaining pages. The content generated by our AI systems is automatically published to the web on our servers, and you can configure your DNS (with our help or a technical member of your team) to display it on your domain.

We have worked hard on our algorithms to extensively cover the subjects you provide, with a focus on SEO and quality. We build a very structured table of content, hydrate each section, include images, FAQs, people also ask, search the web, include data snippets, etc.

Our hosting solution includes performance monitoring and regular updates about your content. We provide static hosting to load the content at lightning speed, and it is fully responsive.

Is the content penalized by Google and other search engines?

Google and others have specifically stated they do not penalize AI content but bad quality content. We have worked hard on our algorithms to extensively cover the subjects you provide, with a focus on SEO and quality. We build a very structured table of content, hydrate each section, include images, FAQs, people also ask, search the web, include data snippets, etc.

We provide static hosting to load the content at lightning speed, and it is fully responsive.

Plus, with smart hosting, we invite you to set up a subdomain, which will not affect your current rankings.

What am I paying for?

When a page is generated to cover a keyword search intent, you pay for the content that is generated.

Price is based on monthly usage: $4 up to 50 pages, $3 between 51 and 500, $2 after 500 pages. Usage resets monthly but pages are only invoiced once, meaning it's cheaper to pay for 1000 pages during one single month than to order 100 pages every month for 10 months.

Separately, you can pay for the hosting that will remove the pain of distributing the content and ensuring it is properly indexed by search engines.

Can I test it out?

Yes, you can generate 20 free pages to get a feeling of the quality provided.

Once you have exhausted this credit, you can subscribe to get more, and you only pay as you go.

How is it different from other AI content tools?

At Reboom, we have focused on giving you a plug 'n' play service of very high quality.

Other tools just give you content that you can distribute elsewhere. Since we manage hosting, we are able to go far beyond, monitor the results, adjust the content regularly, compare the performances between blogs to ensure each of our clients benefits the most from what's working best.

Think: you want AI content to save writing time. With Reboom, you also save a lot of time on corollary tasks.

Can I get volume discounts?

If you want to partner with us, yes, we can provide volume discounts.

With Reboom, you can manage multiple organizations with the same profile, switch between your clients, organize content with multiple subdomains for multiple semantic clusters, personas, or languages.

If you want to order more than 100k pages, contact us, and we will build a plan that suits your needs.

Which languages do you support?

We can generate content in the following languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese.

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