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Follow SEO Best Practices to Maximise your Gains

Follow SEO best practices to maximise your gains like sharing a sitemap to Google Search Console (GSC) linking your existing site to your new blog.

Published on 02/09/2024Sébastien Vassaux

Follow those best SEO practices to maximize your gains!

✅Have at least 100 pages and continuously publish new pages
✅Share your sitemap to GSC
✅Make sure pages are indexed by validating Google suggested fixes
✅Link you existing website to your new blog to transfer authority and SEO juice
✅Share your articles on social media
✅Build a few quality backlinks

Post Regularly

In order to grab Google's attention, you need at least 100 pages on your blog AND you need to continue posting regularly.

Make sure you always have pages in your pending publication list so that fresh content regularly hits your blog.

Posting regularly is beneficial to SEO performance:

  1. Fresh Content: Search engines favor regularly updated websites, boosting rankings.
  2. Keyword Opportunities: More content means more chances to target a variety of keywords.
  3. User Engagement: Frequent updates keep users returning, which improves metrics like time-on-page.
  4. Authority: Consistent, high-quality posts establish your site as an authority in the field.
  5. Indexing: More content leads to more frequent crawling by search engines, aiding quicker indexing.
  6. Long-Tail Keywords: Regular posting allows you to target long-tail keywords, capturing niche traffic.
  7. Social Signals: Frequent posting encourages social sharing, indirectly aiding SEO.
  8. Internal Linking: More posts provide more opportunities for internal linking, distributing page authority.
  9. Competitive Edge: Staying current and consistent keeps you ahead or on par with competitors in search rankings.

Adjust your Posting Strategy to the Keyword Difficulty

You should tailor your posting strategy to the keyword difficulty of your target keywords.

It's common to differentiate between long-tail keywords, which have low volume and low competition, and short-tail keywords, which have high volume and high competition.

Targeting long-tail keywords usually yields better short-term results. These keywords are longer and more specific, indicating a more precise search intent and resulting in higher conversion rates.

For example, you won't rank for "SEO" with just one article because the keyword is too competitive. However, you might achieve a ranking with a blog entirely dedicated to SEO, consisting of multiple clusters, each filled with 20 blog posts.

Similarly, you won't rank for "keyword strategy" with a single article. But you might achieve a ranking with a cluster of 20 pages about keyword strategy.

On the other hand, it might be easier to rank for "How building semantic clusters helps target high volume keywords" with one article because this query is very specific and thus has less competition.

Share your Sitemap to GSC

Sharing a sitemap with Google Search Console (GSC) is an effective way to enhance the discoverability of your website's pages by search engines.

Benefits of Sharing a Sitemap

  • Improved crawling efficiency: By providing a sitemap, you assist search engines in efficiently navigating and indexing your website's content.
  • Increased page visibility: When search engines can easily access and understand your sitemap, they are more likely to prioritize indexing your pages.
  • Faster indexing: By submitting a sitemap, you expedite the process of getting your web pages indexed by search engines.

How to Share a Sitemap with GSC

  1. Open your website from the dashboard and right-click the page then click source content.
  2. Search for the word "sitemap" and copy the URL you find. It should typically be in the format "" for the index and "" for each locale sitemaps.
  3. Log in to Google Search Console here.
  4. Verify your site: Ensure that your website is verified and added to Google Search Console. This step confirms your ownership and grants access to various webmaster tools.
  5. Access the sitemaps section: In Google Search Console, navigate to the "Sitemaps" section under the "Index" category.
  6. Add every sitemap of your reboom blog: Click on the "Add/Test Sitemap" button and enter the URL of your sitemap.
  7. Submit the sitemaps: Once you have added the sitemaps URL, click on the "Submit" button to notify Google about your sitemap's presence.
  8. Monitor sitemaps status: Keep an eye on the sitemaps status in GSC to ensure successful processing and indexing. Google will provide feedback regarding any issues encountered during the crawling and indexing process.

⚡GSC often displays an error on first sitemap submission. You need to submit it a second time to have Google Actually crawl your urls.

Making sure pages are indexed

Watch closely for the reasons why your blog pages might not be indexed. Often you just need to ask GSC to validate a fix. Do it!

There might however be some reasons why your content is not indexed:

  • cannibalization: the content is very similar to existing content. this is your responsibility to avoid that by choosing relevant keywords.
  • technical issue: reboom makes sure this does not happen.

Benefits of Linking your Existing Site to your New Blog

  • Transfer of link juice: By linking the new site to an existing one, the established site can pass some of its authority and link value to the new site. This helps in improving the new site's search engine visibility and ranking potential.
  • Increased organic traffic: When a reputable website links to a new site, it can attract referral traffic from the established site's visitors. This can result in an increase in organic traffic to the new site.
  • Enhanced domain authority: Linking a new site to an authoritative and relevant existing site can contribute to the new site's domain authority. This, in turn, can positively impact its search engine rankings.
  1. Add a link from your footer or header to your new blog
  2. Link landing pages to cluster pages:
    From reboom, you can link clusters to landing pages. We recommend this as a way to convert visitors better. We also recommend doing the opposite to transfer relevant authority from your landing pages to your clusters.
    If you do not have thematic landing pages, we can help you set up the basics of online presence.

A backlink is a link from one website to another website. It's often used in search engine optimization (SEO) because the number and quality of backlinks can influence a site's search engine ranking.

In order for your blog to rank, it needs backlinks. A site with 0 backlink might not rank well.

  1. Authority & Trust: High-quality backlinks from reputable sites increase your domain authority.
  2. Referral Traffic: They drive targeted traffic to your website.
  3. Ranking: Google's algorithms consider backlinks as "votes" for your content, improving search ranking.
  4. Relevance: Contextual backlinks tell search engines what your page is about.
  1. Quality Over Quantity: Prioritize high-authority and relevant sites.
  2. Anchor Text: Use descriptive, relevant anchor text.
  3. Diverse Portfolio: Mix do-follow and no-follow links.
  4. Content Relevance: Ensure that the content surrounding the backlink is relevant to your site.
  5. Avoid Spammy Links: Don't buy links or engage in link farms.
  6. Monitor: Regularly audit your backlink profile for toxic links.
  7. Local SEO: Use local business directories for location-based businesses.
  8. Earned Links: Produce high-quality content that naturally attracts backlinks.

You can get backlinks from a variety of source. We recommend avoiding link farms that might hurt your reputation.

Share your posts on social medias

For optimal outcomes swiftly, distribute your article using its title as the anchor text and its direct link on numerous social platforms, particularly LinkedIn and Twitter, which are accessible to search engines.

The more frequently you share, the better, as it contributes to your backlink count and enhances your recognition.

Use backlink platforms

On the following platforms you can buy a few backlinks that point to your blog:

RocketLinks | Plateforme d'achat d'articles sponsorisés

Créée en 2010, RocketLinks est la première plateforme d’achat d’articles sponsorisés proposant une offre complète alliant performances SEO et branding et ce, dans le monde entier.

MotherLink | All your Off-Page SEO in a single platform

SEO Platform for link building and content marketing. Set up your Off-page SEO campaigns and grow organic traffic. Selection of 55 000 websites from 100+ countries. Premium content by natives speakers.

List of 15000+ Websites And Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Upskill your content marketing strategy and get more traffic on your website. With us, you can rest assured of gaining greater visibility on the Internet irrespective of nature, and size of business.

Hire a SEO agency

Hiring a specialized SEO agency can help in creating a strategic plan for backlink acquisition. They often have established relationships with websites and can facilitate guest posts, sponsored content, and other link-building strategies.

Develop partnerships

  • Skyscraper Technique: Find link-worthy content, create something better, and ask people linking to the inferior content to link to you instead.
  • Broken Link Building: Identify a dead page with backlinks, create your own page on the topic, and ask those linking to the dead page to link to you instead.
  • 301 Redirect Link Building: Find irrelevant 301 redirects and pitch a suitable replacement to everyone linking to it.
  • Listicle Link Building: Find "best of" lists in your industry and pitch lists where you're not featured.
  • HARO (Help A Reporter Out): Respond to relevant queries from journalists on HARO and get featured in their articles.
  • Guest Blogging: Find other blogs in your niche, write posts for them, and get exposure and usually a link in return.
  • Statistics Link Building: Find statistics people are searching for, publish a data-driven statistics page, and promote the page to rank.
  • Podcast Link Building: Find and pitch podcasts in your niche, do a podcast interview, and get a link from the episode page.
  • Unlinked Mentions: Find unlinked mentions of your brand online and ask them to link to you.

Reboom is the new tool to boost content production and distribution. Take over your competitors before they do!
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